Prayer of the Pilgrims to the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, come to illuminate our path of giving and offering ourselves with the peace that comes from God. Give us the strength and conviction to strengthen us in this path of love that conducts us to the total giving of ourselves. Infuse in our hearts the courage and bravery to bear witness, to our brothers, to the power that works in the souls through your divine presence.
We abandon ourselves into your hands, so that you can guide us and accompany us. Come, Holy Spirit, and enlighten our minds, so that we can know and comprehend the divine will. We entrust ourselves entirely to you. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit when starting to pray.
Divine spirit, come to me, I abandon myself into your hands. Enlighten my mind, open my heart, so that I can be available to receive everything from you.
Various prayers to the Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit, I open you the doors of my heart so that you enter in me and take possession of me. I want to belong to you, be completely yours, so I can be united to you through the fathomless bonds of love by which you sustain me in my walk. Unite me to you, and may everything I live be pleasing to you and in praise of the glory of God by the love that nests in my heart and that you lighten every day. Sanctify my life, sanctify my heart so that everything in me be pure and saint. I give myself with great confidence, come to me. Amen.
Holy Spirit, I am convinced that I can't do anything on my own. Come to me and place in my heart the true desire of God. May the desire grow every day more in me, until one day I may give myself completely to you as a love offering. Amen.
Come to me Holy Spirit, put some peace in me, help me overcome all the conditionings that are an obstacle to my abandonment to you. Today, do clean and purify my memory. Lord, help me forgive, help me forget everything that makes and made me suffer. Holy Spirit, give me the confidence of a son/ daughter, so that, guided by you, I can go on fulfilling your divine will. Amen.
Holy Spirit, come to me soon. I extend my arms, so you can carry me in yours. I offer you everything I am for you to make use of me. I trust you and give myself to you. Amen. (To overcome temptations).
Holy Spirit, I abandon myself to you so that you can use me, according to your good pleasure. Take me and make use of me as you wish. I am yours now and forever. Amen.
Holy Spirit, free me from all bondage connected to the painful situations I have lived. I pray to you for the pains and sufferings endured by my Redeemer and by the heart of Mary. Amen.
Divine Love, bring peace to my soul, fire to my heart and light to my intelligence. Amen.
Divine Spirit, I give myself to you today. Work in me as you wish, I am willing to let myself be done and transformed completely by you. Amen.