Prayer of consecration
In the name of God, One and Triune, I give myself with all my life so that his divine will can be done in me. I offer and give the totality of myself with everything I have lived. I thank and praise the Most High God for everything I've received and I promise to serve him until the end. Amen.
Prayer to ask for the gift of today
Holy Spirit, I ask you for the grace of now, so that I can live aware of the gifts that your grace gives me every day. Come to me at every moment and help me to always keep in mind the gift of today so that I can be prepared for your coming at the time that you have set for me. Amen.
Healing Prayer
Erase, Holy Spirit, from my memory all those painful situations; erase them from my being, cleanse me of them. Thank you Divine Spirit. Amen.
Prayer to overcome anguish
My God, I ask you to free me from all ties and conditioning that hinders my surrender to you. I ask you to save me from all apprehension and mistrust. Take my whole life and work according to your good pleasure. Amen.
Prayer of abandonment and trust
My God, I give myself to you on this day, abandoning myself in your hands. I want to do your will, live it, love it and so, I beg you to give me the precious gift of trust. I open my heart to receive it, so that I can persevere in my path without ever turning back. I love you and I abandon myself in you. Amen.
Prayer of abandonment to the divine will
Eternal God, I abandon myself to you on this day, so that you may be the Maker of all my life. There’s nothing I wish more than living what you want and doing your divine will. May my soul rise, oh my God, and be taken by your Divine Goodness and led to the full realization of your designs. Today I abandon myself forever in your hands. Amen.
Prayers of liberation
My God, I give you all those things that I keep in my heart, that I have not taken out and that hinder my ability to give myself more. Receive them and let me be free from them. Give me your peace, fill me with your love. Amen.
Prayer to ask for perseverance
My Lord, Jesus, you know me, you know that I love you, but I alone can do nothing. Come to my aid and give me the graces I need to stand up and do everything you ask me. Give me the grace of trust and perseverance. I love you. I'm yours. Amen.
Prayers of trusted giving
Lord Jesus, on this day I give you everything I am, everything I live, everything I feel. Take me so that, sustained by faith and trust, I can continue on this path that will lead me to the total offering of myself.
Prayer of forgiveness in abandonment
Jesus, I love you. I have received your love and your forgiveness. I also forgive all those who have offended and hurt me throughout my life (remember their faces and names). I wholeheartedly forgive their offenses so that I can be free forever from all painful memories of the damage that those people have inflicted on me. I abandon myself to you and place in your hands the forgiveness that I offer today. Amen.
Prayer for a person who dies
Eternal God, who receives us with immeasurable love in your Kingdom, we ask you for the soul of your daughter / son........ so that she/he is already enjoying the delights of your immense love. We ask you for all those who in this hour have left the earth to live forever in your Presence. Comfort all of us who are still on pilgrimage waiting for the blissful encounter with your Divine Majesty. Amen.
Prayers for the morning and the night
In the morning: Holy Spirit, work in me on this day. I reserve nothing for myself. Dispose of me according to your pleasure.
At night: Holy Spirit, I wanted to live this day for you. Give me tonight's rest so that tomorrow I can serve you with docility.
Prayer before a retreat
Divine Spirit, come to me at this moment, instill in me the ability to keep my mind attentive and my heart open. Give me science and knowledge so that I can, with my spirit, penetrate the eternal truths that you want to reveal and show me today. Let all of me focus on this contemplation and may my soul be elevated by you so that everything you give me today can bear much fruit. Amen.
Ejaculatory Prayer: Holy Spirit, give me the strength and disposition I need to do the will of God every day.
Prayer to give forgiveness to those who have offended us
Lord, I wholeheartedly forgive ...... I offer you my forgiveness for...... so that he/she can be healed of all the wounds that .............. has inflicted on me.
Prayer to overcome fears
My Lord, I give you everything that I think I should do and I feel I do not have enough strength to carry out. Take it all and do what I can't. I surrender confidently in you and rest knowing that you are the maker of my whole life. Amen.
Prayer of reparation
Lord Jesus Christ, I ask your forgiveness for my lack of love and understanding of those brothers of mine who do not think like me. I ask you especially for all of them and for those who are far from you. Be merciful with all of us. Amen.
Prayer to ask for a person
Almighty God I beg you for..............; help him/her in all his/her needs, but above all give him/her the knowledge of your infinite love and lead him/her along the paths of salvation.