In the Book of Sirach it is said that we should not open the doors of our house to anyone (Ecclesiasticus 11, 29). Those doors are those of our hearts. When should the doors of the heart be opened? To whom? The doors guard the heart and must be preserved. This means that the heart must be cared for at all times. There are times when your doors must be opened wide and times when they must be closed with many bolts. In the first case, the doors open to the call of love. When love calls, they must open themselves to meet each other as well as to receive those who are in need. But above all, the doors must be open to every call of the Holy Spirit to receive it and to let it remain. But the doors of the heart must be closed tightly against the insinuations of the devil. They must close themselves off from any thought, desire or feeling that does not bear the seal of God's love.