Accompanying Jesus on his painful path to Calvary and contemplating how he is crucified and dies for us is part of our itinerary towards eternal life. Salvation has taken place, Jesus has saved us and has sent us the Holy Spirit so that we can receive his love by opening ourselves to his grace.
When listening to the account of the Passion, the Spirit calls us to live as true Christians, to make our lives bear fruits of redemption for all men, to be his witnesses before a world that is drifting away from the truth. We cannot remain passive before the magnitude of the Paschal mystery. Because Salvation comes to our encounter with every word and gesture of love given to others, with our patience in the face of suffering, with our daily giving. Salvation is taking place in us and is given to others by us, through love.
Let us end this day convinced that every day a new opportunity is born for us, a new hope, so that we can sanctify ourselves and others, because we have already been saved and are infinitely loved by God.